Grow Your Business With The Proper Staff Training

Running a small business can be challenging enough with the economic situation we face.How far could you grow your business if one of your staff members had the Internet marketing training to create a profitable presence on the web?

A staff member in your organization could skyrocket your business with the knowledge of blogging, article writing, web design, e-commerce, video marketing and online advertising. For a small investment in training, your small business could reach new heights of revenue by tapping into the ever growing marketing that the web provides.

Companies large and small are developing a vast web presence to reach their targeted customers, because that's where the customers are. Whether they are on their phones, surfing the web at home, hanging out on Facebook or researching information, a business that has an effective web presence gets a larger share of the business than one that doesn't.

Training a trusted staff member in Internet marketing is the best investment your company can make to insure that you have the tools necessary to compete in today's high tech world. Find out now how the training of the future is just a phone call away.

ISP, DNS and More…The Basics

Here is another one for all of you newbies.  Just some basic information to help you understand the Internet. 

What is an ISP?  They are companies that give you an email address and access to the Internet.

What is a Web Hosting Service?  This is a place that has one or many computers that store your website and make it available to the Internet.  Your website is housed on a web server, which is basically a specialized computer.

What is an IP Address?  Just as our homes have addresses to make it easy for our family and friends to find us, each machine on the Internet has a specific address.  This is an IP address.  It is represented by a series of numbers and dots.

For most of us, it is hard to remember a long series of numbers.  It is easier to remember domain names, such as .  Sometimes an IP address will change.  Domain names work even if the server's numeric IP address changes.  This is why we use domain names to represent the IP address of servers.

What is DNS?  This stands for Domain Name Server.  It is the central directory for the Internet.  It directs traffic to the appropriate servers for the different functions of a domain, such as mail.  DNS converts the domain name to the IP numbers so your computer can find the servers needed to display your website, blog or email.  DNS ensures that people can find your website, etc.

Check out our curriculum at IMTC and see what else you can learn and use to be successful on the Internet!

On-Site Campus

Here is a view of the campus; It is really nice, area is good,  Friendly neighbors and a lot of parking.  If your interested and your in the area you should stop by and check it out.  We are just about there and are ready to start on-line classes.  You can learn how to start an on-line business, How to get more traffic coming to your business you already have, or even if it's to get familiar with the computer and how everything works.  You will be opening up a bigger window for yourself , you will make yourself more valuable, and you will always have something to fall back on if your job falls through. 


Camtasia – Awesome Software

Have you ever come across an awesome computer program that when you use it, you say “this is awesome”. Camtasia is a program that I always say is “awesome”. Camtasia can record anything that is on your computer screen. It actually creates videos of what you are doing on your computer. You see the mouse moving, text typing, websites loading, anything you want. It also records audio. In the video that Camtasia creates, you can hear mouse clicks, sounds that are playing on your computer, and the sound of your voice that's recorded from a microphone you speak into. Can you imagine all the possibilities you can have with a program like this? You could record the steps to uploading a picture to Facebook, then put that video up on Youtube, and have people pay you to watch it. That's right, you could charge people to watch your video. With Camtasia, you could offer consulting to customers. If they have a question about how to order your product, you could create a Camtasia video that shows them exactly how to do that. There are just so many ways to use Camtasia, I could go on forever.

If you've never used Camtasia before, try it out. Click here if you need training on how to use Camtasia to make money online.

Web Design: Why You Need Your Own Website

Why should you have your own web site?

If you provide products and services to sell, you need a web site to market them. Here’s what your own web site you can do for you:

•        Earn more money.

•        Generate more product sales.

•        Post your press kit online.

•        Reduce printing costs.

•        Establish credibility.

•        Increase the number of people who have heard of you.

Internet Marketing Jobs: Is Your Staff J.O.B. Unsatisfying?

Is working for someone else ungratifying?

The World of Work 2010 report from Randstad found that half of all employees feel their skills are underused and around 10% have been forced to take up work that did not make full use of their abilities. People are looking for work outside the job that may better utilize their talents, not just for the extra income but for the satisfaction.

Justin Myers, a freelance editor and consultant, was first pushed to self-employment through redundancy. After taking a few months off to “get his head together”, Justin started freelancing with some shifts at an online newsdesk. Now he's working on two distinct projects and enjoys the lifestyle.

“Being your boss is a magical feeling; you feel really empowered and I love having responsibility for myself. Additionally, being a consultant, I've found that clients really value my opinion and input. I don't think you get that perceived level of confidence when you're in a staff job.”

Pursuing employment with online training, whether for yourself or getting a better job elsewhere, starts with a school you can trust. A school with a staff that have  put into place the real world skills that it takes to make money. The Internet Marketing Training Center is the resource you need to make an impact on a tough job market. An impact that you can trust to make your life more fun and interesting….

For the Newbies

Are you new to Internet Marketing?  Don't worry, IMTC can help you too!  Even if you do not have any websites yet, we can offer training customized for you.

Let's talk about domain names.  Should you have your own domain name?  If you have your own domain name, you can move and be hosted anywhere around the world and people will still be able to find you through all of your promotional efforts.

Having your own domain name gives you greater credibility.  Domains and hosting are so cheap, there is no excuse in not having your own.

Also, if you have a good domain name, you can sell it.  The domain name can be a valuable entity for you in the future.

Should you avoid dashes in your domain name?  Yes, search engines are smart and they do not need the words to be separated.  Dashes could hurt you, someone will forget to type it in and they will end up at one of your competitor's sites.

See what you can learn at IMTC!  Tom Antion is a master at Internet marketing and he has a way of explaining it in a simple, easy to understand format. 

We look forward to hearing from you!

Hot Careers

According to an article by Chris Kyle over at Yahoo! Education has listed six new hot careers.

#1 is Social Media Strategist
#2 is Homeland Security
#3 Forensic Accounting
#4 Online Video Game Designer
#5 Email Marketing Manager
#6 Home Health Aide

That means you can have TWO potential career paths that are on the hot list after graduating from IMTC.

This is because Internet Marketing is huge right now, and it will be from here on out.  As the marketplace starts to better define what it is looking for, graduates from IMTC will be poised to enter that marketplace and fill a major need.

The Internet has become our playground now.  We do a lot of business AND playing on the Internet.  We communicate and connect with a larger circle of friends than ever before, we spend more time playing (#4 online Video Game Designer?  Bejeweled?  Farmville?  Etc? ) on the Internet.  And there are so many more ways to connect to the Internet than before. Desktop computer, laptops, netbooks, tablets like the iPad, smartphones like the iPhone, even devices like Kindle are starting to connect to the Internet more so than before.

Businesses go where people are.  Make the most of these possibilities by getting involved now.

Do you want to know what sort of skills are necessary to penetrate the job market in Internet Marketing?  Come and check out the curriculum at the Internet Marketing Training Center so you can learn what it takes to be a Social Media Strategist or Email Marketing Manager today!

How to Work From Home

I can't believe how many times I hear from people that they are going to work from home because they have a website.  Do you know having a website means nothing unless you use the proper techniques and online marketing tools to get people to your site.  How can you work from home with a website that no one is coming to?  With the knowledge you can get from the Internet Marketing Training Center you can work from home in no time with the knowledge you need to MAKE MONEY WITH YOUR WEBSITE.  Go to the IMTC and check out how you can work from home in no time.

Internet Marketing: The Business Owner’s Secret Weapon

If you own your own business or if you plan to launch a new business, Internet marketing is a tool you can’t ignore. While some of you may be thinking of entering the field of Internet marketing as your primary career, entrepreneurs can also benefit from learning how to market their products online. Whether a company sells cars, manufactures computers or provides image consulting services, Internet marketing can help target customers and generate sales.

Take a look at these successful business owners who applied the Internet marketing principles and methods they learned from Tom Antion to their own unique business:

Craig Duswalt teaches people how to market themselves using the out-of-the-box techniques he learned while touring with Air Supply and Guns ‘N Roses.

Denise Wakeman, an expert in blogging, writes about blogging and teaches others to blog.

Gloria Starr has achieved worldwide recognition as an image consultant, traveling the globe and training foreign princesses and the daughters of American presidents.

Janet Hall wrote an e-book and created a professional organizer system to help people simplify their lives.

Jeff Herring specializes in article marketing and teaches Internet marketers, authors, speakers and self-employed professionals to write and market their articles.

Joan Stewart teaches people about publicity and co-authored a book, How to be a Kick-Butt Publicity Hound, with Tom.

Ilya Pozin, a 27-year old entrepreneur, owns a web design company that is recognized as one of the top 500 fastest growing companies by INC, ranking #161 with 1,732% growth rate between 2006 and 2009.

Read their success stories at